[最新] fortnite pc Rg[[ ½µÈ¢ 121744
Find your game at MyPlayCitycom!Hi,i hope someone here can help me,i was born with part of my left arm missing, i really enjoy playing games on pc but many times i just can't because they don't allow mousecontroller double imputs (basically i move with the controller and aim with the mouse,but one imput block the other so i can't run and look around,walk and aim etc) ,Fortnite is one of themi'm here to ask if someoneMy current PC Ryzen 3 10 GTX 1050 Ti 8Gb ram 2400mhz I found out that when playing fortnite at low res (1280x1024) and low settings, my GPU usage is only at 50% Max even with uncapped FPS at 19x1080 it can get to 90% rarely but stays at 5065% pretty much all the time Why its doing that ? Best Pc Games With The Power Of Geforce Nvidia Fortnite pc R"g[[ "½µÈ¢